About the Company

UkExpertTrade is a group of experienced, proffessional traders and market analysts. Project started on the 24th March 2019 after years of professional trading we have joined our skills, knowledge and talents in the effort to bring a new reliable investment opportunity. As the result of careful planning and joint work, a reliable long-term investment project, that offers great returns along with professional approach and security. We believe that the absolute transparency of cryptocurrency investment is the most important thing for the user and we are doing our best to maintain it.

1 4 plans for different strategies
2 Daily profit division
3 No hidden fees and charges
4 International support
5 High security

UkExpertTrade Company was created by genuine crypto enthusiasts. We do believe in the crypto economy and decentralization and unlimited opportunities provided by them. We enjoy the importance and innovations brought by blockchain technology and working hard on the development of cryptocommunity.
UkExpertTrade was established in the Spring of 2019. The founders gathered together the most experienced crypto, IT and engineering professionals. The main force of the UkExpertTrade is its team - vast experience and high skills in different blockchain-related spheres united by the one goal to create the most powerful infrastructure and to make it available for everyone.

Our utmost goal is to provide our members with daily and consistent profit with the sole desire to detach them from low and inconsistent income. As a result of careful forethought and teamwork, a secure and dependable long term investment project, that tenders great returns along with dexterous approach and certainty is birthed.

UkExpertTrade is a company which is developing extremely fast despite the highest competitiveness of the market.
We would be happy to see you on board of our UkExpertTrade!

UkExpertTrade has different locations:

United State

United Kingdom

UkExpertTrade Miotech Impex LP
Company number: 14424873 Company number: SL31928
96 Stanley Rd London E18 2NS, UK UK
License number: FVR000167


Company number: 14423879
Punane tn 56 Lasnamäe linnaosa,
Tallinn Harju maakond, Estonia, 13619
License number: FVR000167

United Kingdom

Miotech Impex LP
Company number: SL31818
15 Cairns Road
London, UK, SW11 1ES